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Unlike our pH Test Strips, this handy Colourmetric Reagent has been specifically designed to test the pH of water. It can therefore be used to help measure the acidity of tap water, or the alkalinity of water produced by an alkaline water filter. By using this Water pH Test Kit, you can ensure optimum pH balance and verify that your alkaline water filter is functioning correctly.
The test kit comes with reagent, container & colour chart.
The pH Test Colour Reagent helps you measure the pH of your drinking water.
Easy to use, simple to read and incredibly accurate, the Water pH Test Kit is exactly what you need to determine the alkalinity or acidity of tap water.
The DIY kit also helps you measure the pH of water produced by our alkaline filters.
Many people make the mistake of using pH Test Strips to test drinking water pH; but this specialised pH Test Colour Reagent is the ONLY product capable of giving an accurate reading time after time.
Use the measure provided to fill a glass with 30ml of water; add 4 drops of reagent; wait for 3 minutes; then compare the colour of the solution to the colours on the chart provided.
Take guesswork out of the equation, and stay on track with your alkaline regime.
The aforementioned pH Test Strips, incidentally, are what you need if you want to measure the pH of urine or saliva. Doing so will help you better understand your body's acid-alkaline balance.
pH is a measure of potential hydrogen. Acidic solutions have few free-floating hydrogen ions and, as a result, they suffer from a low pH. Alkaline solutions are the opposite; their abundance of free-floating hydrogen ions provides them with a high pH. Drinking alkaline water with a high pH can help to correct acid build-up and promote optimum pH balance, which is why we recommend that anyone interested in maintaining their good health look into hydrating with alkaline water.
This product can be used to test the pH of any liquid, including water produced by alkaline water filters and water straight from your tap. For more information on the benefits of having alkaline drinking water, you might want to take a look at our acid-alkaline balance articles.
If you think that you might benefit from knowing the pH balance of your tap water, or if you simply want to know whether or not your alkalizing water products are working correctly, you'd be well advised to order your pH Test Colour Reagent now. Simply use the link below to add to your basket, or call us on 01764 662111.
Use the measure provided to fill a glass with 30ml of water. Add 4 drops of the pH test reagent, wait for 3 minutes and compare the colour of the solution with the colours on the chart provided.
Ideally, your drinking water will have an alkaline pH. If not, you might want to take a look at our alkaline water products. Alkaline water is healthy water, and nourishing your body with it can help you restore your optimum pH balance and improve your general sense of wellbeing.
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