Fulvic acid is an easily absorbed supernutrient found in the soil, rock sediment, and bodies of water. It’s formed by the decomposition of plant and animal compounds and is a component of humus.
One of two humic acids, fulvic acid nourishes plants and other living organisms in the soil, passing with ease through cell membranes and carrying nutrients and moisture into them. In fact, this ‘miracle molecule’ can transport dozens of minerals into plant cells.
Humans can also benefit from fulvic acid, which provides many health benefits. It’s becoming increasingly popular due to its electrolyte and mineral profile, antioxidant and detoxification capabilities.
It can also boost nutrient absorption by nurturing gut health and preventing inflammation in the digestive tract.
Read on to learn more about the benefits of fulvic acid and fulvic acid detox.
Fulvic acid aids in detoxification
In aquatic environments, fulvic acid can form complexes that transport and remove heavy metals. It’s believed that the same is possible in humans.
Heavy metals and other toxins enter our bodies through contaminants in food and water, medication, air pollution, dental fillings, household products etc. Toxic free-floating heavy metal ions or ones bound to metalloproteins can build up in your tissues and cells and starve them of vital nutrients. Fulvic acid attaches to heavy metal ions in your body. It also attracts free radicals and other toxins, chelating or binding to and breaking them down, enabling them to be more easily eliminated.
Research shows that fulvic acid can markedly reduce heavy metals in bodies of water and soil, including copper, nickel and cadmium, by around 90% (1).
It may also have the potential to neutralise or reduce the harmful effects of radiation (2) .
Another form of toxicity is free radical damage and inflammation. Due to its high antioxidant content, fulvic acid can help to reduce oxidative stress and, consequently, chronic inflammation and disease risk.
Fulvic acid provides trace minerals, aids mineral and nutrient absorption
Fulvic acid is a good source of electrolytes, electrically charged minerals essential for life and a vast range of functions, including immune support, heart, muscle and nerve regulation, cellular health and permeability, and maintaining fluid balance and a healthy blood pH.
Fulvic acid helps with nutrient absorption in general. It improves cellular health and permeability, has a low molecular weight and is readily absorbed, enabling it to enter and deliver minerals into the cells rapidly.
It’s said that a single fulvic acid molecule carries up to 60 times its weight in minerals and other nutrients.
Sadly, modern intensive farming methods strip the soil of trace minerals and other nutrients, which means we consume less than we used to, and ought to, for optimum health. Fulvic acid can be an effective supplement for replacing these lost nutrients, ensuring we are getting enough.
By improving absorption and providing an array of nutrients, including pre and probiotics and silica, fulvic acid helps to nourish the gut, enhancing its bacteria profile, integrity and function.
Aside from protecting your immunity, mental health and preventing disease, improved gut health also reduces digestive complaints, including constipation, diarrhoea and bloating.
Interestingly, symptoms of low electrolyte balance can include diarrhoea, constipation, cramping and nausea.
Fulvic acid is a potent antioxidant
Modern life exposes us to a constantly increasing amount of environmental toxins. Combined with ill health, poor diet, lack of sleep and stress, this can increase free radical damage, toxicity, inflammation and disease.
Fulvic acid’s ability to detoxify heavy metals and other toxins, plus its impressive antioxidant power, can counter and reduce the risk of excess free radicals.
Its capacity for decreasing oxidative stress and inflammation can help slow down ageing, and it may also have anti-cancer (3) properties, including colorectal (4) cancer.
Fulvic acid is known for its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and memory-enhancing properties and may help to protect brain function.
Free radical damage is a contributing factor for Alzheimer’s , and some researchers have considered the development of fulvic acid as a natural treatment for this tragic disease.
Aside from its antioxidant properties, fulvic acid can also inhibit tau protein, another contributing factor of Alzheimer’s, and it may help slow down or halt disease progression.
The antioxidant profile and consequent anti-inflammatory effects of fulvic acid may help to improve several skin conditions. One study (5) showed that topical application of fulvic acid significantly improved eczema (more successfully than other conventional emollients used in the trial).
Thanks to the electrolytes, antioxidants and collagen-boosting silica it provides, along with its superior nutrient delivery system, fulvic acid also has anti-ageing benefits for the skin, encouraging tissue elasticity and a healthy, hydrated complexion.
Oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and disease are linked. Oxidative stress is essentially an imbalance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) compared to having enough antioxidants to neutralise them, leading to cellular dysfunction, damage, and possible cell death.
Fulvic acid can isolate superoxide radicals and other reactive oxygen species outside of the cells. It also works inside the cells, uncoupling the electron transport chain in the mitochondria (cell powerhouses), which is linked with lowering ROS production (6).
At the same time as decreasing cell damage, fulvic acid may also increase the production of the antioxidant enzymes glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase.
Fulvic acid’s ability to detoxify heavy metals and other toxins, plus its impressive antioxidant power, can counter and reduce the risk of excess free radicals
We’re gradually learning more about the health benefits and healing properties of fulvic acid. It’s becoming increasingly popular as a supplement due to its antioxidant, detoxifying, trace mineral and nutrient profile.
Fulvic acid can be a practical addition to your health and wellbeing arsenal. Among its many attributes, it can help to improve gut health and digestion, increase your mineral intake and boost nutrient absorption. It can also protect brain health, enhancing memory and potentially protecting against Alzheimer’s disease. Fulvic acid may also have anti-ageing, skin protecting and anti-cancer properties.
It has an impressive antioxidant profile that helps to reduce oxidative stress and damage and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Not only that, fulvic acid can upregulate the natural production of the antioxidants glutathione, superoxide dismutase and catalase.
Written by Rebecca Rychlik, Nutritional Therapist and Homeopath. Follow Rebecca on Instagram, Facebook and Medium, @rebeccabitesback.
Article Updated 24/2/25
1. Lalas, S., Athanasiadis, V. and Dourtoglou, V.G. (2018), Humic and Fulvic Acids as Potentially Toxic Metal Reducing Agents in Water. Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 46: 1700608. https://doi.org/10.1002/clen.201700608
2. Pure Fulvic Minerals. Radioactive Reactions with Fulvic and Humic Substances. https://www.purefulvicminerals.com/wp-content/uploads/radioactive_reactions_with_fulvic_and_humic_substances-2.pdf
3. Pant K, Gupta P, Damania P, Yadav AK, Gupta A, Ashraf A, Venugopal SK. Mineral pitch induces apoptosis and inhibits proliferation via modulating reactive oxygen species in hepatic cancer cells. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2016 May 27;16:148. doi: 10.1186/s12906-016-1131-z. PMID: 27233240; PMCID: PMC4882837. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4882837/
4. Huang WS, Yang JT, Lu CC, Chang SF, Chen CN, Su YP, Lee KC. Fulvic Acid Attenuates Resistin-Induced Adhesion of HCT-116 Colorectal Cancer Cells to Endothelial Cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Dec 9;16(12):29370-82. doi: 10.3390/ijms161226174. PMID: 26690142; PMCID: PMC4691117. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC4691117/
5. Gandy JJ, Snyman JR, van Rensburg CE. Randomized, parallel-group, double-blind, controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of carbohydrate-derived fulvic acid in topical treatment of eczema. Clin Cosmet Investig Dermatol. 2011;4:145-8. doi: 10.2147/CCID.S23110. Epub 2011 Sep 8. PMID: 21931500; PMCID: PMC3173016. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3173016/
6. Winkler J, Ghosh S. Therapeutic Potential of Fulvic Acid in Chronic Inflammatory Diseases and Diabetes. J Diabetes Res. 2018 Sep 10;2018:5391014. doi: 10.1155/2018/5391014. PMID: 30276216; PMCID: PMC6151376. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC6151376/
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