Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease can seem like a life sentence.
No one wants to hear that their body is attacking itself and there is no cure. Medications are prescribed to treat symptoms, which only cause a new set of symptoms.
Thus, the long journey of artificial dependency and evil side effects begin.
Eight Misconceptions About Autoimmune Diseases
Despite what conventional practitioners tell you, there are things you can do to treat your disease naturally, without the use of harsh medications.
Here are eight misconceptions about autoimmune diseases and how to safely treat your disease naturally.
1) Once You Develop an Autoimmune Disease There is No Reversing It
True, you cannot make an autoimmune disease go away permanently. It has the potential to live inside you forever. But you have the ability to make it hide.
There are two terms used to describe the activity of an autoimmune disease. A flare occurs when the disease is active. Remission occurs when there are no symptoms. Remission can be achieved through dietary changes, a healthy lifestyle, and positive thinking. Eliminating processed foods and sugar, grains, dairy, soy, gluten and junk food can greatly reduce the symptoms of an autoimmune disease. A whole food plant based diet has been shown to not only prevent chronic diseases; it can also reverse them.
2) Only Strong Medication can Treat Your Autoimmune Disease Symptoms
Diet is an extremely effective way to treat autoimmune symptoms without the use of harsh medications.
Foods that boost the immune system, fight inflammation, promote pH balance and heal the gut include superfoods, such as fruits and vegetables, which are high in antioxidants, and foods high in essential fatty acids, such as avocado, fish, and coconut oil.
Supplementing with probiotics will help restore good gut bacteria in the digestive track. Certain herbs, such as turmeric, boswellia and bromelain, are natural pain killers that also have anti-inflammatory properties. L-glutamine is an amino acid that aids in digestive health.
3) Keeping Symptoms at Bay is More Important than Side Effects
Most individuals suffering from an autoimmune disorder will say that harsh medications make their disease worse.
Some side effects of medications used to treat autoimmune diseases include hair loss, nausea, vomiting, heart burn, bloody diarrhea, skin rashes, abdominal pain, swollen and achy joints, fever, insomnia, renal impairment, headaches and migraines and hypersensitivity. According to research, a common medication used to treat inflammatory bowel disease also causes Lupus-like syndrome (Kirkpatrick 1999).
4) Gut Health Has No Bearing on The Progression of Autoimmune Diseases
The gut is often referred to as the second brain. It has as many neurons as the spinal column. It’s also where 70 percent of the immune system resides. Nutrients are only absorbed into the blood stream after passing through the digestive track. So to say that gut health and digestion has no effect on the improvement of autoimmune disorders is absurd.
To improve gut health, eat a diet high in anti-inflammatory foods, such as coconut oil, and antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables, which bind to free radicals and prevent the spread of bad cells. Stay away from processed foods and sugars that lower the immune system.
5) Autoimmune Disorders Won’t Improve by Going Gluten Free
Whether or not you have a gluten intolerance, you may want to consider cutting back. Along with a host of digestive issues, gluten has been linked to a variety of neurological and psychiatric problems, such as seizures, headaches, anxiety, ADHD, depression, autism and schizophrenia. Data shows that the prevalence of autoimmune disorders is related to the duration of exposure to gluten.
6) You Will Lead a Lower Quality of Life if You Have an Autoimmune Disorder
Chances are you have met a person with an autoimmune disorder and didn’t even know it. Quality of life depends on the individual. The best way to ensure a high quality of life after being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease is to do the best you can do within your limitations. Eat a healthy diet, get lots of rest, exercise daily, drink water often, practice relaxation techniques and remain positive. Learn to adjust, make changes, help others and march on.
7) Genes Matter not the Environment When it Comes to Autoimmune Disorders
Genetics account for about 25 percent of the chance that you will develop an autoimmune disorder. But the good news is that 75 percent of your health is in your hands.
One way to decrease your chances of developing an autoimmune disorder is to concentrate on eating an alkaline diet to improve blood pH levels. Disease cannot survive in an environment unless it is acidic. Focus on antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables to prevent acidic conditions within your body.
8) You Can’t Change The Immune System You Were Given
Some conventional doctors will have you believe that you need medication to treat your autoimmune disorder. However, there are many natural remedies available that have been shown to decrease symptoms in autoimmune sufferers. The following is a list of natural supplements that aid in gut health, where the base of your disease likely started:
- Turmeric
- L-glutamine
- Fish oil
- Probiotics
- Psyllium Seed
- Boswellia
- Bromelain
- Ginko biloba
Kirkpatrick, A., Bookman, A., & Habal, F. (1999). Lupus-like syndrome caused by 5-aminosalicylic acid in patients with inflammatory bowel disease. PubMed.
Being diagnosed with an autoimmune disease can seem like a life sentence. No one wants to hear that their body is attacking itself and there is no cure. Medications are prescribed to treat symptoms, which only cause a new set of symptoms. Thus, the long journey of artificial dependency and evil side effects begin.
Despite what conventional practitioners tell you, there are many natural remedies available that have been shown to decrease symptoms in autoimmune sufferers, without the use of harsh medications.
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