Inactivity is a massive problem in modern society, for one reason or another. Be this the fact that we are literally trained to sit for hours on end, for 11 years throughout early schooling, or that most people watch way too much television or YouTube videos. The way of life in the west for most has become an epidemic of inactivity.
This has been exacerbated due to lockdown. Where we’re all literally stuck in our homes for most of the day. Lack of activity can create an increased risk of depression, and other mental health concerns. Not to mention add more than a few pounds to your waistline!
It’s common knowledge that gentle daily exercise can improve overall health. A tight, tense feeling throughout your body can be loosened by going for a walk in nature and you can lose cellulite by going for daily 20-minute jogs.
Movement really is medicine – it enhances detoxification pathways, can reverse chronic illness and boost longevity.
One of the main reasons that movement can drastically improve health is that it trains your fascia.
In this article we’ll explore three free and easy ways to boost fascia health, as well as explain what on earth the fascia is and why you should care.
What is Fascia & Why Should You Care?
You’ve probably heard the term “fascia” banded around, but what does it really mean?
Another word for fascia is “interstitium.” It’s an interconnected matrix inside your body, made up of collagen and elastin fibres that are suspended in a mucous gel.
The fascia is intricately linked to the immune system via the lymphatic system. A major system that helps your body release toxins.
Many describe the fascia as a recently discovered organ. Despite Andrew Taylor Still (the father of Osteopathy) writing about the fascia being a connected system that was responsible for many pathologies way back in the 1800s.
Many credit French surgeon and author of “Architecture of Human Living Fascia: Cells and Extracellular Matrix as Revealed by Endoscopy” Jean-Claude Guimberteau as discovering the fascia. This is mainly due to the fact that he was one of the first to use confocal laser microscopy (an advanced form of microscopy) to study the fascia.
The fascia increases molecular crosstalk when it’s healthy. Promoting balance, boosting immunity, reducing inflammation and stimulating collagen remodeling. All positive health benefits.
The best thing? You can improve your fascia in many ways. Let’s look at three ways you can boost fascia health, lose cellulite and reduce pain.
1. Keep Your Fascia Hydrated
You might know that tendon injury is extremely common with runners. But did you know that your tendons are 63% water?
If you think about it, when things are brittle, they lack water and can easily snap.
“Water is the medium of exchange inside your fascia” – Tom Myers, author of Anatomy Trains
However, the water that you drink won’t necessarily be absorbed in your body.
The issue here is whether or not the water that you drink gets inside your cells. It doesn’t matter how much water you drink. If it doesn’t get inside your cells, nothing works as it should.
PRO TIP: One way to ensure that water is absorbed inside the body is to add a few granules of pink Himalayan salt into your water bottle. This boosts electrolytes and up-regulates water absorption.
2. Gentle Stretching for 2-10 Minutes a Day
Your fascia is a deep layer connective tissue that surrounds muscles, nerves and organs.
It’s a subtle but vitally important organ that forms a mesh throughout your body. However, it can get tense and water can be stopped from entering due to stiffness. Therefore stretching is a great way to encourage water to enter your fascia.
Think of stretching your fascia as gently wringing a sponge. This will boost the interconnectivity of your body and overall health, when completed as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Rather than looking for the end range of the muscle, as we do with normal stretching, you want to gently stretch and hold the position for longer (approximately 10 minutes).
PRO TIP: Yin yoga is a great way to help your fascia release to remove any tension and encourage water to go into all areas. You will often use pillows and props to make the practice more gentle and healing.
3. Take A Warm Bath, Ideally With Epsom Salts
Bathing is like a mini vacation for your body, mind and soul. Helping to reset your system.
Experts advise full-immersion bathing (eg. a nice deep bath) because studies have shown that it boosts physical and emotional wellbeing, improving fatigue, stress levels and mood.
Bathing helps you to reconnect with water (the most abundant substance on the face of the earth). Ideally you can add some epsom salts to your bath for a more relaxing experience. Epsom salts are filled with magnesium sulfate, which is broken down into magnesium and sulfate in the body.
PRO TIP: Reward yourself after exercising with a nice deep warm bath to boost fascia health and relax your muscles. This can help reduce DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness).
The Bottom Line
Movement really is medicine, and is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle.
The science is in, and it has been proven that your fascia, which spans your whole body and is interconnected with every organ, is the most important organ to treat.
This can be done simply and for free by taking a warm bath, gentle stretching and optimal hydration. These are the simplest ways to increase fascia health, boosting your energy levels and overall well-being.
Written by best-selling author and integrative nutrition health coach Rowanna Watson, who has a passion for natural health. Rowanna is an expert in all areas of holistic health, plant-based nutrition, detoxification and personal development.
Water for Health Ltd began trading in 2007 with the goal of positively affecting the lives of many. We still retain that mission because we believe that proper hydration and nutrition can make a massive difference to people’s health and quality of life. Click here to find out more.
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